Dr. Etel Leit

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Creating An Abundant Life

Transform June Gloom with the Power of Abundance

For those of you who don’t know, I live in Southern California. In June, some people laugh and label the weather as ‘bipolar.’ It’s sunny and beautiful one day, but dreary and gray the next- it’s known as June Gloom. But let’s cut to the chase: your mindset can change faster than the weather. It’s all about what you choose to see.

In my latest podcast, I delve deep on how we can refocus our way of thinking to live a more fulfilled life. And with this little trick of mine, you might be able to make that wonderful summer paradise come a teensy bit faster. It’s called having a consciousness of abundance

The Power of Choice

So, what’s this consciousness of abundance thing all about? It’s about taking charge of yourself. Too often, we let external factors dictate our moods. Your commute sucked? That limited edition necklace sold out? It rained when you didn’t bring an umbrella? We let these uncontrollable factors decide if we’re happy, sad, or somewhere in between. Enough already.

Flip the script. You decide how you feel. You don’t need any one particular thing to make you feel happy and fulfilled, you CHOOSE to be. Instead of focusing on what you can’t change, like the weather, prioritize what you can control. You’re not lacking anything; everything you need is already within you.

“When you exemplify gratitude and treat yourself with love, you will attract the Universe’s hand to your life.”

My Book, UnAddicted to You, p. 245

Making Something out of Nothing

So, what does a consciousness of abundance look like?

  • Embrace Opportunity: It’s that time of year where mother nature starts to show the world its fullest potential. Why can’t you? Embrace the abundance of opportunities in your life and tackle them with curiosity, not fear. Trust that this season is ripe with opportunities waiting to be seized.
  • Gratitude for Growth: Just as how the flowers start to bloom around this time, acknowledging the areas where you’ve grown and improved in can foster a sense of abundance. These can range anywhere from work, personal achievements, strengthened relationships and more! Congratulate yourself on all the progress you’ve made and show gratitude for the work you’ve put in. This allows you to shift yourself from focusing on what you’re lacking to what you’re flourishing at.
  • Optimism is the Name of the Game: Although you’ve been focusing on recentering your mindset, setbacks can still happen. Don’t let them hang on you. Appreciate the things that are working and fully immerse yourself in the things you take joy in. Growth isn’t a race, it’s a journey.

Hear more about the consciousness of abundance in my conversation with Chase and Sara.

Don’t just sit around waiting for the skies to clear.
Find your own inner sunshine with a consciousness of abundance.
Make the choice to thrive,
no matter what the weather throws at you.

Talk about this with your friends, family, or partner. Strategize how you can adopt this mindset together. Use humor, vulnerability, and shared experiences to support each other.

Remember, this June? Bloom.

Order my new book, UnAddicted to You, now and get it next week!

