Why My Holiday Card was Never Sent

6 Creative Ways to Send a Holiday Card

Before I was a mom, I secretly envied my mama girlfriends, starting the day after Thanksgiving (just when I was grateful for everything I have). My mailbox would be filled with family holiday cards, big ones, shiny ones, long ones, with smiling, happy, jolly families. Every card I opened; beautiful poses of family together, smiling, cheering, wishing me Happy Holidays. I could almost hear the bells and the cheerful music: “lalalala”. Some moms even added a (sappy) letter describing how Jonnie took his first step, and how Bella ate her first ice cream. It was like watching another person eat the cookie I wanted. Oh, I so wanted to be one of these mamas in the picture. I used to daydream how I am in this picture, hugged by sweet, calm, smiling kids, right next to the fire place, with lights and jingles, and the holidays sweetness. Even Bailey, my sweet dog, can be part of it too. Ah, THE perfect picture.

Well, a few years later, with two kids (and our sweet Bailey), I decided it is the time to make this oh so longed for dream happen. Finally, I can send my own family holiday card!

Where should I start?! The options are endless, should we hire a photographer or go a studio. What about props, and what should we all wear?! My imagination started flaring, matching shirts, no, matching pajamas, or maybe just all hats. Yes, matching pajamas! I was happy as I can be. I now have my dream come true, a beautiful holiday picture that will decorate other homes for a week or two! The big moment came, I had Lisa, my really good not-mama-friend volunteered (ok, being volunteered by me) to take the picture. We were ready! Or so I thought. After thirty good minutes of trying, standing still, smiling, and not moving. I was sweating, my husband was just annoyed with all of it, and suggested: “Just use one of the pictures we already took” (I tried to explain to him that none of the pictures shows a happy loving family). Even Bailys was starting to bark and jump all over. I want to pull my hair… we are all frustrated, and I understand that we won’t be able to pull any smiles today. Everyone is tired.   

Now, don’t give up. There are many ways today to tell your family and friends happy holidays. Here are a few. Do not be too hard on yourself. The thought of sending a sweet good word is what matters after all. You do not even have to send it by snail mail. Posting a picture on social media, (Facebook, Instagram, or any other medium) is really acceptable these days. Just make sure all grandmas and aunties without a twitter account will be able to receive your lovely greeting as well.

  1. Hire a professional photographer. This is a real production, but the results will be implacable. They will take care of the set, the ideas, and even making sure your baby (and your pet!) is smiling in every photo. Some go all the way in and even hire a make-up artist. You can decide on the venue, indoor, outdoor, or in an interesting botanical garden. The possibilities are endless. The photographer will edit your picture and make sure to brighten it and erase any unwanted wrinkles.
  2. Portrait Service: Many department stores, like Sears or JCPenny, offer portrait services that fit all. They have rooms with scenery, props that are ready for you, and they take pictures with a big clicker (something that sounds and look like at the dentist x-ray). , They have coordinators making sure your child is looking at the camera, and all are smiling.  Picture is simply as is. No editing. There are a few packages options, depending on number of pictures and format you choose.
  3. Friend/Family member take your picture: Make sure everyone is well prepared (and fed!). You can choose the set and be creative. It can be a little tricky, but if your friend is kids-friendly and your kids are not-too-tired (and the dog is cooperative), you can have a great picture. You can even take it with your phone, as you can invest in an app editor (like Snapseed) to maneuver the picture, add some sayings, and make it really cute. Just make sure you save it in a high resolution, sometimes it matters.
  4. Use a picture you really like: You can use a picture of the entire family you took from your last trip (or from cousin Ali’s wedding).  Throughout the year, we take hundreds (if not thousands) of photos of our kids, going through them can be time-consuming. It worth it if you want to send a photo without using much cash. 
  5. Take a picture of your child(ren): This is when you decide a family picture is too hard to produce. You can have your child wear something festive for the holidays, and take as many pictures as you wish.  If you have two kids or more, the task can be a bit more challenging. Bribery always helps (guilty here). But usually when you promise a child ice cream, he will give you a big smile (say cheese!).  
  6. Repost:  Did you see something that you like from another account you follow? Simply repost it (don’t’ forget to give the credit). End of story.

If you have any other holiday card ideas, feel free to write them in the comments.  I look forward to see what you come up with! 

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