Dr. Etel Leit

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Why Narcissist is Just a Trend

Growing up, the word “narcissist” felt like something out of a distant psychology class, not part of everyday conversation. But really, are there that many narcissists these days?

Back then, discussions about personality traits were limited to playground chatter and teenage crushes. But now, it seems like everywhere you turn, someone is being labeled a narcissist. So, let’s have a heart-to-heart about why this trend might be more bark than bite.

Picture scrolling through your social media feed; you’re bombarded with posts of perfectly curated lives and flawless selfies. It’s easy to see how platforms like Instagram and TikTok have turned self-promotion into an art form. In this sea of highlight reels, it’s no wonder narcissistic behavior seems to be on the rise. But here’s the kicker: only about 2% of the population actually fits the bill for narcissistic personality disorder. Crazy, right?

So, why does it feel like everyone and their pet poodle is being called a narcissist?

Well, for starters, the term has become a bit of a catch-all phrase for anyone who exhibits self-centered tendencies. From that friend who can’t stop talking about themselves to that coworker who always hogs the spotlight, it’s easy to slap the label on just about anyone without digging deeper into their personality or background.

Plus, let’s not forget the role that pop culture plays in all of this. From reality TV dramas to celebrity gossip columns, narcissistic characters are often put on a pedestal or torn down in the media. It’s like a never-ending soap opera that we can’t seem to turn off, shaping our perceptions of what narcissism looks like in real life.

A couple fighting

But here’s the thing! Labeling someone as a narcissist without a proper diagnosis can do more harm than good. It’s important to remember that not everyone who posts a selfie or talks about themselves is a narcissist. We all have our moments of self-absorption and insecurity; it’s part of being human.

The truth is that not everyone who doesn’t want to date you is a narcissist. Not everyone who wants to break up with you is playing games. Take ownership of why you are still in this relationship. What holds you from breaking this pattern?
How is staying in victim mode serving you?

It’s crucial to remember that behind every label or diagnosis is a real person with unique experiences and struggles. So, instead of jumping to conclusions or labeling others, let’s strive for understanding and empathy. Not everyone who exhibits self-centered tendencies or engages in self-promotion is a narcissist.

✨ Before we go tossing around labels, let’s take a step back and consider the bigger picture✨

Pointing blame fingers
