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Narcissism is Used TOO MUCH

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Who comes to mind when you think of narcissism? What comes to mind when you think of narcissism? 

Narcissism is not something new. We’re all familiar with this label we use to identify the attention-seekers, the self-centered, and the self-absorbed. 

But have you been using this label WRONG all this time?

Think about this scenario…

You’re out in town spending the day with Sunny, one of your friends from work. While you are explaining why your week has not been so great, you start to notice they constantly stop to look at themselves in shop windows. You feel they are more focused on themselves and their appearance and less focused on what you are confiding in them. Just as you are about to open up about what you’re feeling during your difficult week, Sunny interrupts and asks… 

“Do you think I look good in this outfit?” 

Wow, that hurts. 

But…Is Sunny a narcissist

Let’s find out by uncovering the truth about narcissism and educating ourselves on how to properly use this label. 

What is Narcissism? 

Yes, narcissism does consist of self-absorbed, arrogant behavior. But, more lies beneath these two common characteristics. Narcissists seek other’s admiration to feed their sense of self-worth, have a mindset of being more than others, and believe they are owed special treatment

While this may sound familiar, narcissists behavior is also specific in the way they treat you

How Do Narcissists Treat Me? 


  • Lack empathy for others
  • Don’t consider others’ feelings or needs  
  • Are unwilling to change their behavior, even when it is ruining their closest relationships
  • Blame others instead of themselves 
  • Take advantage of other people, especially if it means achieving what they want

How many narcissists do you think you know? 

Well, consider this

Now that you know…

Is Sunny a narcissist? Or do they just display some narcissistic tendencies

Next time you come across a Sunny in your life, try explaining how their narcissistic tendencies make you feel. This may look like… 

“Sunny, I feel like you are not paying attention to what I am saying. I want to confide in you but it seems you are more concerned with yourself right now… Can we take some time to talk about my week?”  

What’s their response? How do they treat you after? Do they change their behavior? 

It’s important to stay educated on topics like narcissism so we don’t carelessly mislabel people, like Sunny, before giving them a chance to act after you tell them how their behavior is affecting you. 

Did you learn something new? Let’s overcome misconceptions and see narcissism for what it truly is, starting now!