
The Importance of Father Figures
Etel Leit
Compared to mothers, the importance of father figures can be overlooked. Yet father figures are very important to a child’s development. In fact, your relationship with father figures can even influence your future relationships!
What makes up a Father Figure?
Not every biological father automatically makes a Father Figure. In some cases like with LGBTQ+ relationships, adoption, or step-parenting being biologically related to a child is not a requirement! A father figure is a man (or individual) that truly cares for a child. They tend to have a big heart, displays open arms, and listening ears.
The importance of father figures and their traits is undeniable. Every son, daughter, and child can benefit from having a strong figure. This figure can protect and cherish them while providing an ear to listen and arms to shelter in.
Who does the Father Figure affect?
A father figure can affect more than just the child themself! These figures can also affect significant others, the community, and future relationships. On average, kids with stable father figures are more likely to have healthier relationships! Additionally, kids with stable father figures are also more likely to build better communication, and make wise decisions!
Oftentimes people can assume that the importance of father figures is only relevant to the child or family. Learning that this is not the case is very important! In fact, the presence of a father figure in one’s life can affect everyone in their life! The more time and thought we put into the importance of father figures, the more benefits that can be spread all around!
What is the importance of a Father Figure to future relationships?
The importance of father figures cannot be narrowed down to just one thing. In fact, their importance is almost indescribable! But, in an effort to understand their importance to future relationships, here are 3 of the most important effects!

1. Role Model
Father Figures tend to be really important when it comes to providing a healthy role model. Having a healthy role model allows us to gain a base of how to behave and treat those around us. Studies have even found that a positive model can lead to increased compassion and awareness.
Not only would the figures be able to provide a healthy model, but they can help promote/reinforce beneficial behaviors! All too often men or fathers are assumed to be tough, and stoic. But, by providing a model for children they can change this image. Showing the importance of compassion and gentleness at a young age can change life in the future.
2. Providing Love
When it comes to providing love, the importance of father figures is undeniable! Oftentimes kids can fear an angry lecture from parents or a strict silent treatment. This sort of fear leads to issues with trust, abandonment or even attachment. However, by providing unconditional love and comfort, father figures greatly lessen a child’s anxiety. This includes anxiety about parental relationships and love overall. Even doing simple things like making time for kids, or engaging in playtime are huge to challenging anxiety! This unconditional love then go’s on to foster healthy relationships in this child’s adult life.
3. Support System
Being a stable support system is critical to the importance of Father Figures. Oftentimes kids feel unseen or unheard. These negative feelings lead to children having difficulty expressing emotions or communicating. By listening to them, paying attention, and just trying to understand them, many cases of miscommunication can be avoided. Instead, a healthy and trustful relationship will be formed. Further, by focusing on this support, Father Figures help teach a child how to form healthy relationships.
These are just 3 of the endless ways that Father Figures can affect future relationships, starting from your childhood! Recognizing the importance of Father Figures as a whole is incredibly important. Many of the lessons and characteristics learned are life-changing!
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