Communication: The Vital Key for Effective Living
In this time of social distancing, quarantine, and adapting to a new reality, you probably have a window of opportunity that allows you to reflect, self-discovery, and master fundamental life skills unlike before.
Being cooped inside and distant from your friends and family has probably tested your patience levels, your organizational abilities, and maybe even enhanced your problem-solving dexterity. However, the one that is the most important that taps into every aspect of your day to day life is the power of the way you are connecting and communicating with others.
The paradox of this time is that what is taken from us, became one of the most important skill in our lives. C-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n!
Watch here how you can imporove your communication skills these days:

Communicating During Quarantine
Communicating during quarantine is fundamental to ensure positive relationships with others and really promote a better life that fosters happiness. It is the cornerstone that can guide you to succeed and grow both personally and professionally, and I cannot emphasize enough how important it is during this time. Whether it be visual, verbal, or written, proactively leveraging yourself to communicate helps you to be better understood, convey your messages clearly, and maintain healthy relationships while social distancing.
What About You?
I am interested to know how you have been handling communication during this time.
· Has it been easy or challenging?
· Have you changed the way you connecting with others?
· Are you bothered by the way people connect with you?
· Have you been mindful of how you express what you think or feel?
· Do you feel like your communication skills have improved during quarantine?
What are your connecting habits during social distancing?
· Are you actively connecting with others avoiding it?
· Are you using relying more on written communicating like texting or verbal communicating like phone calls, or visual like facetime calls or zoom meetings?
· Have you been just engaging with those in your home and excluding the outside world?
4 Simple Tools to Communicate Better
More than any other time, the way you connect with others is the key to your relationship with them and with yourself. The more you invest in the way you relate and connect with people, the better your relationships will be.
1. Be fully present in the conversation,
2. Pay attention to body language,
3. Make eye contact,
4. Above all, smile while talking to illuminate full enthusiasm and engagement.

Why Do I Emphasis on Communicating with Your Child?

connect. Even with toddlers, they seem like they can convey what they want with simple words, or point, but it is not enough. The thing I love the most about baby sign language is that these children will be able to gain communication life skills and bridge the gap between them and others smoothly.
This means no more guessing what they need, and you will significantly reduce misunderstandings and the frustration that goes with that. As a parent, it is our obligation to teach our children tangible life skills, and the best way place to start is to educate them to become better communicators. With being home daily with them in quarantine, what better time to start that journey than now?
Communication Is Key
I would love to know how each of you have been doing communication-wise. Not only would it be beneficial to gain some insight and ideas, but it is also a way for you to really begin thinking about this and bring aspects to light that you can improve on.
Let’s be mindful of how we communicate together as a way to promote better relationships!